jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017


comfort, rest, joy, relax, warmth, home, family and friends.
But, what about a basic plain Christmassy atmosphere on the grounds of music / singing-along...?        with the eternal unbeatable Frank (Sinatra)
        ... and others (more... commercial, so to say)
And, at times, a bit of work on the topic. 
 How to host a Christmas dinner.                                                
   Video listening comprehension for Intermediate students. 

                      An old-fashion Christmas.
                             Listening comprehension for Intermediate students.

Basically, enjoy it anyhow, make the most of your Christmas time and ... all the best for 2018!!!!

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

INTERMEDIATE 2. Listening while teacher's off


    Listening 1.   On vacation.

    Listening 2. Holiday.

    Listening 3. Hotel reservations.


    Listening 1. Playing bowls.

    Listening 2. Tennis heroes playing actors. Just for fun.

    Listening 3. Leisure activities.

BASICO 2. - activities to do while the teacher´s off

From your Student´s Book

File 4A. 
    Page 28. Reading a, b, d.  
    Page 154. Vocabulary, Housework. Make & Do.
File 4B
    Page 30. Reading. b, c, d. 
    Page 155. Vocabulary. Shopping. 
File 4C
    Page 132. Grammar. About something, anything, nothing.
    Page 32-33. Reading. a, b.
    Page 33. Vocabulary. Adjectives -ING & -ED (boring, bored)

And also

1. Do some listening activities (link, in this blog)

2. Workbook. File 1 (A, B, C),  File 2 (A, B, C),  File 3 (A, B, C)

3. Extra activities from the link in this blog (our book's link)

4. Informal E-mail. Following the instructions from page 133 in our book.

INTERMEDIO 2. A trip to India.

UNIT 3D in your books.

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2017

INTERMEDIO 2- Shadow reading

As mentioned in class, 

is quite a useful technique to improve 
your pronunciation and fluency.

So, go ahead... 
spend a few minutes on it... 